Dr. Brian Davey is proud to be an emergency dentist in the Torrey Highlands area of San Diego, CA. He is a dentist who helps with general, cosmetic, and restorative care. He also provides solutions for patients who experience a dental emergency. Patients with toothaches may want to speak to a professional about what is causing the pain and discuss possible treatment options.
Causes of toothaches
• Abscesses
• Large cavities
• Infection
• Trauma/injury to the tooth
How is a toothache treated?
The cause of the toothache needs to be determined before a dentist can effectively make recommendations regarding the best treatment option. Below are just a few of the procedures and services that might be performed to alleviate the pain and address the problem at the source:
• Removal of an inflamed pulp during root canal therapy. If the cause of the toothache is an abscess or an infection that has reached the inner portions of the tooth, patients will need to undergo root canal therapy, also called endodontic therapy. During this procedure, the dental pulp inside the tooth is removed, and the canals are sealed off to keep bacteria from entering in. The dentist may also place a dental crown over the tooth as an extra layer of protection and strength.
• Dental fillings. If the toothache occurs due to a large cavity, patients will need to have the decayed portion of the tooth removed and then seal the tooth with composite resin fillings. This keeps the tooth from experiencing any further damage from the decay and helps restore the natural tooth structure.
• Dental extractions. In situations where the damage to the tooth is too severe, even for root canal therapy to help, the patient may have no other option but to permanently remove the tooth.
How do I prevent a toothache in the future?
Just as with most diseases and illnesses, prevention is key when it comes to oral health. By practicing effective daily oral hygiene habits, you can prevent tooth decay and build up tartar on your teeth which leads to inflammation. Be sure to brush after every meal using fluoride toothpaste. Floss at least once per day before going to sleep. Finally, visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and exams that can detect problems before they become severe.
What should I do if I have a toothache?
If you are experiencing a toothache, there are a few things that you can do to help alleviate the pain until you can get into the dental office for treatment. Some simple tips include:
• Rinse your mouth with warm water
• Apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek
• Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain relief
• See a dentist as soon as possible to get the toothache treated
Avoid oil pulling
These are all very common suggestions that you may have heard before. One home remedy, however, is actually dangerous to your oral health: oil pulling.
Oil pulling is an ancient Indian folk remedy in which a person swishes oil around in their mouth to cure various illnesses. There has not yet been any substantial evidence showing it effectively treats tooth pain or other dental issues. Oil pulling is extremely dangerous for the teeth because the process of swishing the oil around can cause cracks and chips on the enamel surface of teeth, which can lead to erosion over time. This allows bacteria into the layers underneath the tooth’s outer shell (the dentin and the pulp), which can cause tooth decay, cavities, and an increased risk of tooth infections. Instead, patients with a toothache are advised to contact their dentist in Torrey Highlands as soon as possible to book an appointment and evaluation to determine the case and discuss possible solutions.
How do I learn more about addressing my toothache?
If you are currently experiencing a toothache or dental pain, we advise that you make an appointment with Dr. Brian Davey right away! There may be something very serious going on inside your mouth that needs treatment by a professional as soon as possible. His office is located at 7805 Highlands Village Plaza, Suite #G105 in San Diego, CA, and can be reached by calling (858) 264-4369 for an appointment.